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with Durga Devi

&  The Mighty Power Of Love

We all resonate at different frequencies and these change according to what we are doing and thinking.  When we are all doing the same thing (chanting, breathing, and moving to the same rhythms) our vibrations begin to synchronize and the resulting experience can be very powerful. 

Bhakti yoga and kirtan is the yogic path of love and devotion.

A meeting of like minded souls with an equal passion for yoga and music gave birth to The Mighty Power of Love.  Members Durga Devi, Ben Hazleton, and Nadir Ramsey build on the ancient Bhakti tradition of chanting to create a new musical experience that inspires and uplifts.

Click here to book the next Kirtan on Saturday 10th June 2023 at 6pm

Durga Devi Kirtan
Durga Devi Kirtan
Kirtan: Classes
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